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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  October 5, 2011 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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. several people have been injured and now we are getting word people have died in an early morning confrontation. the rain may be gone but problems continue and we have been taking a tour we found downed trees and downed power we will take a look and show you what we have. the wind is the big story and we are not done just yet. also soldiers speak out, they say the wars in afghanistan and iraq were not worth fighting. ktvu channel 2 news... >> complete bay area news continues.
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well,good morning to you, it is october 5th, i am dave clark. thank you for joining us, we want to go right over to sal in cupertino. well, dave there has been a multiple shooting in the cupertino hills in santa clara county and word came in about this about an hour ago and police are still searching reportedly for the gunman who is armed with not one but two weapons. we have reports and have confirmed two people have been killed and four people have been injured in a shooting that happened this morning. these are live pictures from news chopper 2 showing the area in cupertino which is the remote part of stevens creek just northwest of saratoga and southwest of cupertino near one of the reservoir there. -- reservoirs there. we will have a live report
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coming up shortly, a shooting in cupertino hills, two people have been confirmed dead or killed and four people have been injured and stay with ktvu channel 2 news, we will have more coming up. 6:02 let's go back to the desk. we are also on storm watch this morning, a powerful storm pounded the bay area overnight and we have team coverage, steve paulsen is tracking the storm in our weather center of course. kraig debro is up in the snow country in the sierra this morning but we begin with san francisco. >> reporter: at pg&e, 1,700 people are without power because of the storm near 19th and hollaway. you can see the yellow tape because there is a downed tree right there as a result of this storm. just one of many minor problems we are seeing across the bay area. nothing huge happening but a lot of little problems because
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of this storm. this is not the only problem we just saw sweeney and they have 400 people without power from that. we have seen problems in the area, firefighters were out there because of a storm drain had clogged and it sent water shooting and it sent water two to three inches into a duplex and they spent a little over an hour cleaning up that mess. we did see some flooding and also possibly because of a blocked drain of some sort but this was south of the toll plaza as you were getting on 101 and a lot of buses are going through that on ramp and they were still cleaning that up. again we are also on sweeney and we saw a power poll that was damaged and that had sparked early this morning and we are still trying to figure
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it out 400 people and we are still trying to reroute that. again you are looking at 19th and hollaway, being looking around the bay area we have seen lots of little problems, some flooding some trees some power outages and that will be an issue this morning even though the rain for the most part is gone. let's go to steve paulsen because the weather is not over yet, the rain may be gone. >> yes, also the front has moved through and it has roared out of the picture so we don't have to worry about that but we have really cool readings only 60s on the highs maybe some 50s in some higher elevations, it is into the sierra nevada but coming down you can see there is already a few hit and miss showers popping up to the north but they will increase later this afternoon so morning sun, windy cool breezy and this afternoon we will start to
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cloud up, possible thunder showers and tonight showers will be endingit breezy and cool. right now golden gate bridge traffic looks good and we heard them talk about the standing water all over the bay area and of course you saw them talking about the standing water near the golden gate bridge earlier and we also have road debris out from some of the tree leaves and branches that have come down on this little mini storm we are having and just be careful especially if you are driving in wooded areas. also the morning commute looks good but we do have an advisory for the bay and san mateo bridges. on the east bay commute, that is getting busier and we will have another report coming up. 6:05 let's go back to the desk. our storm watch continues throughout the morning so stay with us. steve is monitoring any changes on storm tracker 2 and we will have more changes in about five
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minutes. we do have breaking news from cupertino and as we were talking about two people are dead four others injured following a workplace shooting. tara moriarty just got on the scene and tara can tell us more about the situation, tara? >> reporter: well we wish there was more information but unfortunately the sheriff's department is not talking to us just yet so all we know are reports we were hearing about two people dead and four people in critical condition. and you can see the huge law enforcement presence here this is santa clara sheriff's deputies here and on the corner if we pan to the left you can see a bunch of guys who are standing there, they are working the quarry for a company called lehigh, they make cement and when they arrived to go to their shift, they were told not to go inside
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they were told they had to wait so i don't know if they will end undergoing home or what. if you take a look behind me, there is a lot of media here as well as other workers simply waiting around, they are not being told what to do so many of these guys will end up having to go home and they will have to get some sort of clearance. you can see some of the flashing lights and big tankers that have stopped. i don't know if they are from the quarry but again a shooting at quarry, we are told two people are dead and four in critical condition and we will try to get some more information and keep you updated. tara moriarty ktvu channel 2 news. time now 6:07, there is a new poll that shows military veterans that served in the september 11th attacks show the wars in afghanistan and iraq were not worth fighting.
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we will have a live report from our washington d.c. room what those veterans say about coming back home after serving in those wars. right now sal is covering traffic including some of that breaking news and news chopper 2 is that still down over the area as well? >> it is down. it is a good area to avoid and again we will have more information from that scene and including more information on what happened. we are following the traffic because of the wet weather and it will be a slightly different commute for you this morning on day two of wet weather as you can see traffic is moderately heavier and it is getting busier at the bay bridge and some people are getting on the bridge early when this type of weather is out there. it is not even raining hard and there is enough debris out there to slow you down. this is a look in the vicinity of the oakland coliseum and traffic is moving there very
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well. by the way just a reminder, we will keep an eye on fs o and usually in this kind of weather, fs o is the air for the that -- a port that -- airport that gets affected the most. in the south bay the freeways are okay, 85 through saratoga and cupertino is already pretty busy. let's go to steve. if you have arraign fall -- a rainfall total, you can tweet me. santa cruz mountains over two inches of rain, santa rosa .99 and i think it goes down in the books as .57 and there are some differences here, almost an inch of rain, red wood city .79 and there are some other totals that were not bad.
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petaluma three-quarters of an inch, oklahoma around a half inch of rain. crocket 42 and our front, boy did it come roaring through and it is already heading south and moving fast. but we still have a cold pool that is swinging in and the coldest unstable air he can there are already showers popping up off the northshore. anything goes today. santa rosa is down and i am not surprised, mostly sunny to partly sunny skies, we will cloud it up as the system moves through northern california and we could get not only showers but thunder showers and there could be some brief heavy rain. your weekend is starting to move in and that's high pressure and it will start to calm things down. the afternoon is when possible
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thunder showers will play into the forecast. plenty going on, 60s on the temperatures but bundle up, there is a definite chill or a bite to the morning air. your extended outlook does call for wind and some sun. with your weekend in view mostly sunny and warmer. >> thank you steve, 11 minutes after 6:00, a man is facing charges in a six month old crime, the thing he left behind that could land him in jail. >> passengers are being lied to, they don't know what is happening. threats while in the air, the timing of it really scared some airline passengers. i am a face unclogger.
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i am a nose coach. i am a throat untickler. i am a human cough suppressant. and i am the sniffles worst nightmare. i am a target pharmacist. ask me about cold and flu remedies.
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. welcome back, an air marshal was forced to restrain a man on a flight from amsterdam to detroit. a man started shouting with three hours left of the flight when a man started shouting and they cuffed him to a seat. >> he started kick the exit door and screaming they don't know what is happening. >> the incident was especially alarming for passengers because it happened on the same day jury selection began in the
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case of a guy yearian -- nigerian man had tried to bomb a flight to detroit. running in to problems that might cause more delays. at a hearing transportation department inspector general will tell them software problems are to blame and it could cost an extra $500 million to fix the computer system with delays stretching into 2016. surveys out of the wars in afghanistan and it's surprising results. allison burns live in our washington d.c. newsroom, they will talk about whether they think those wars were worth fighting, allison? >> reporter: this survey is released as the nation marks the ten year anniversary of the
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war in afghanistan this week. now the survey shows half of post 9/11 war veterans say the afghanistan war said the war was worth fighting. 44% feel that way and several said they had difficulty adjusting to life after the combat zone and several said they had post family matt i can -- posttraumatic disorder. we are hearing from several about returning from the battlefield. >> all of a sudden it kind of levels out and then the nightmares start. >> 83% of veterans do not believe the rest of the country understands the myriad of problems they face. >> reporter: in fact the report shows 78% of americans view it as just being in the military. allison burns ktvu channel 2 news. time now 6:16 prosecutors
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have reopened hundreds of investigations of former nazi death camp guards. he is 91 years old and was convicted on 28,000 counts of accessory to murder for serving as a guard in a nazi death camp in poland. um condemning syria for its military crackdown against civilians. at least 2700 of civilians have been killed since the uprising began. he walked out of the city council meeting and the un am boss door start -- ambassador started criticizing militaries in the east. he was linked to the crimes after police found dna on a lolly pop that had been left at the scene. police say mandela has made
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incriminating statements about robbing the businesses. he is currently being held in another case. a school is being faced with possible closure. they have raised more than 650,000 dollars and they need to raise more than 900,000 to stay open through june. now the financial problems are due in part to dramatically lower enrollment numbers because of the recession. walk and roll to school day, bay area students will need their umbrellas and rain coats. take a look at last year's event at hoover elementary school. the idea is not only to promote fitness but to reduce traffic in the schools. thousands will either walk or
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ride their bikes and drivers be on the lookout for kids and their parents. >> yes, a lot of extra kids out there, let's check in with sal. we have a lot of stuff going on for this early wednesday morning obviously with the breaking news in the cupertino area, we have our news chopper 2 looking at the area of stevens creek boulevard at foot hill. a lot of police activity, pretty good for you to stay away from this if you can steve develops creek in cupertino -- stevens creek in cupertino, obviously there is a huge police presence so if you can go around that and stay away this is not affecting highway 5 and 280. it's still a bit wet out there from the overnight rain, you might see rain out there, like
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contra costa county santa cruz mountains parts of san mateo county if you drive on these roads just give yourself extra time. it is getting busy on the highway east shore freeway richmond still a nice drive and hayward to union city heading south, that commute still looks good. let's go to steve. well the front has gone through so there are a few breaks, a few showers are popping up towards marin county and that will play into our forecast going over the san rafael bridge, it looks like in the mill valley and west of san francisco, so sunset out of richmond right into the city i think in the next 20 minutes or so, we could get some rain and
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the possibility of hail embedded with that. it will be a blustery cool chilly morning and we will have possible thunder showers and after today things calm down as high pressure begins to build in and it will be brisk tonight and tomorrow morning and it's windy and cool now. garden variety showers and maybe some hail embedded with that. clear and sunny and breezy on friday and the weekend mostly sunny and warmer, he says. we may get a break on food and gas prices, the cost at the pump has dropped 15% since may. prices will not rise sharply until spring. the price for goods and the prices of wheat and sugar are slowly falling that according
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to trade. they are filing for bankruptcy. they also operate those using fresh max and he can executives blame higher costs and fewer customers. the company ploys 11,000 people. time now 6:22 some possible legal troubles, why the search for an iphone leads to accusations of impersonating police officers. controversial remarks about the president, we will hear what hang wills yam -- hank williams junior has to say. if you are driving in the foothills, you may want to rethink that because of serious police activity, we will tell you what happened and how long it's likely to be there.
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. developing news now in cupertino as you can see live pictures from news chopper 2 on the intersection of stevens creek in foot hill where there has been a deadly workplace shooting, our reporters are on the ground there trying to find out exactly what happened but we do know this was first reported in the 4:00 hour in
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the cupertino area, right now ktvu channel 2 news is on the ground interviewing people and very busy but have told us two people have been killed and four people injured, again, this is reportedly a workplace situation and it is unclear whether or not the man responsible for the shootings has been apprehended or they are still looking for him but stay with ktvu channel 2 news and we will tell you more coming up. all right, thank you sal, apple could face legal action, in august apple traced security to this tequila bar in san francisco. they placed it at the home of surround yes calderon but a search of his home turned up nothing. now he is suing them because they impersonated police officers to get inside his house. hank williams junior says
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he is story about -- sorry about the controversial remarks he made about president barack obama. he criticized the president for playing golf with house speaker john boehner. >> that would be like hitler playing golf with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, not hardly, in the shape this country is in? >> espn pulled his theme song are you ready for football, espn is still deciding whether they will use that song in the future. i am quoting in part the thought of the leaders high fiving on the golf course while so many families are struggling to get by simply made by boil over with a dumb statement and i am very sorry if i have offended anybody. we will continue our team coverage of the overnight rain and winds that are causing some
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problems. live in cupertino, we are still learning about more information about a shooting at cupertino keizer plant. and live reaction from wall street, stay tuned.
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. we are live where two important reports came out just about an hour ago, the private sector added 91,000 jobs in september and that's better than expectation. more layoffs are reported in september and the most in about two years so we have good news and bad news on the jobs market. trading there and we'll see more later and we will check in
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on business news. ktvu channel 2 news middle of the week it is wednesday october 5th i am dave clark. >> and i am pam cook, we continue to follow developing news from cupertino where an employee opened fire at the stevens creek quarry, two people are dead, four others are injured, tara moriarty is on the scene and has more information about the suspect, tara? >> reporter: well we just watched an ambulance leave and you can see a fire truck just pulled up there, waiting to get through the area and now we will wave him on at stevens creek boulevard you can see santa clara sheriff's deputies waving them in. we did notice s.w.a.t., special weapons and tatics as well and if you look at chopper 2 they can take a birds eye view.
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we keep seeing more law enforcement coming to the area so we are not sure if he has been caught or he is still on the loose. we know two people are dead possibly four wounded. it was a morning meeting during a shift change at 4:00 and we don't know if he was a disgroundelled employee but people who work -- disgruntelled employee but he had to work here because nobody is allowed on the grounds unless they work here. workers are shocked and here is what one had to say. >> i am really surprised, nothing like this ever happened they pay us well, a everybody makes good money and in today's economy, it is a good place to work. >> now the workers that we have been speaking to this morning are all sort of milling around on the corners at the gas stations across the streets from where police have cordoned
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off the streets as well as the cars. they are not sure if they will be allowed here and they will simply wait to find out. we will be here as well and we will bring you updates to let you know what we are learning about this very tense situation. i am tara moriarty live in cupertino ktvu channel 2 news back to you. time now 5:33 we are also on storm watch this morning, a powerful storm really pounded the bay area and we have team coverage for you. steve paulsen is all over this, he is tracking our weather. live at the golden gate bridge, how is it? >> it just started raining on us, this was the last minute and there have been lots of problems and you can see on the roadway, it is getting wet and we actually thought we were through most of it and this one
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came at the last minute while it started dumping on us. you can see the yellow tape, downed trees and we were finding lots of problems across the bay area. that one was not causing any major problems and it will run into that as they head along. let's take you along the bay area, clog drained leading to some flooding at a duplex and firefighters had to clean up that mess and had it cleaned up quickly. this is what we found another drain causing flooding on one of the on ramps southbound 101 and buses had to be taken around that. and in san francisco, sweeney and came bridge, this was a power poll that caused a power outage originally 1,400 people and then it was down to 400.
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and pg&e there are several people without power nothing major but a lot of inconveniences were caused this morning. and light rain is coming through the light post an we are feeling a little rain, wind and steve has been warning us all morning temperatures would drop. it is getting colder out here and steve, this weather is moving its way through the bay area. >> all right, thank you very much. let's go right to the computer on live storm tracker 2, kaboom. when you start to see the rain it's not only cold heavy rain but these showers continue to filter through and it will be clear windy and cool and very chilly and in the city over the golden gate it looks like 101
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up towards novato as well and also oakland so things should be interesting pam and dave. wall street protests are expanding across the bay area. this morning 15 demonstrators are camping outright in front of san jose city hall. they say corporations have too much power in the political world and they want lawmakers and corporations to treat the public as people, not just consumers. >> we are looking to completely change the way politics works in this country and take power back from the corporations. >> san jose group plans to say at city hall indefinitely and those protesters have been there since sunday. two boys who escaped from a juvenile detention facility are still on the loose. investigators say they hopped over a fence at the byron boy's ranch and got away in a car that was apparently waiting for
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them. we don't have a description of the car though. the young men are typically knot not violent. time now 6:36 well in other news, the oakland city council debated controversial plans for fighting crime. city council is debating a teen curfew plan an injections and those proposals touched off a fierce debate to expand the city's gang injunction plan which creates -- which includes safety zones in targeted neighborhoods. >> they are moving things around and they have really enhanced racial profiling. >> i am tired and fed up and if folks don't want to look at options to make this city a safe place, then ultimately we
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suffer the consequences. >> the city council decided to send it back to the committee for even more studies. >> let's go check in on traffic this morning, how does it looks? moving through in some areas, bay bridge toll plaza, we have a backup here developing at the pay gates. nothing major but still a little bit slow. also the morning commute looks good on the golden gate bridge but again some wet weather moving through and high winds on these bay area bridges. let's move to the contra costa area highway 4, antioch minor accident westbound 4 as you drive through pittsburgh on the shoulder so it is not even a big deal, more slow traffic. 680 from concord to pleasant hill, more slowing, let's go to steve. we had a front go through and a lot of showers are
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cruising along into the sonoma coast and into the city. let's go to the latest image and i will zoom in and let's see where this direction is going. it is mainly going east right over the golden gate bridge back over to the marina district into the city and let's hold on a minute maybe not, let me try it again, no, it is not going to let me do it. what you have to understand, let me put it into motion, there could be some hail embedded and that will be the theme as it goes into southern marin county and the key is some of these will go really intense and clear out and be really cool. a possibility of thunder showers, there goes our cold front and here comes the cool unstable air and we will have temperatures in the 40s and
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50s before we start to rebound. one system comes through and here comes the system swinging off the north coast so a possibility of thousand and thunder showers, good news is we will warmup for the weekend but very windy and cool, possible showers and hail, upper 50s in the higher elevations cold thursday morning, with your weekend in view it will be sunny and warmer. time now 6:44. it was a shocking explosion that happened in franklin ohio. look at what happens seconds after three firefighters went into that burning building. and in sierra, you can see cars backing up and we will have an update coming up. if you are driving on the bridge, you can see slowed traffic on that stand, we will tell you more coming up.
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. two people are dead as many as four others hurt after a gunman opened fire just hours ago in cupertino. you are looking at pictures of the scene, this happened during an employee meeting around
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4:00 this morning. a s.w.a.t. team is still there and we don't know yet if that suspect has been captured. and occupied wall street protest has spread to the bay area in san francisco, about 100 demonstrators are camped out, outside the federal reserve bank where a proposed merger is expected. also the war in afghanistan, about one-third of the veterans surveyed said the war was not fighting. many surveyed said many do not understand the many problems they and their families face because of their military service. we will take you live to eastbound interstate 880, a live picture, look at the snow on the side of the road and now that the light is coming up, we can see it a little bit better. the winter storm warning, more than a foot of snow is expected
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at higher elevations tomorrow and steer says 6 -- steve says this is 6 to eight inches -- six to eight inches of snow fall. crews began bringing in extra equipment and at midnight they began a 24 hour shift to prepare for the storm but the storm may not be their only problem. >> we have miles and miles of construction and it will be slippery, wet and dangerous. >> cal trans began running to keep the roads clear. now we want to check in with ktvu channel 2 news kraig debro who is now there, it looks like -- >> we... >> reporter: we did have some
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technical problems with the truck but we have somebody who is a is your john and -- surgeon and we have a booth beyond this beyond where it tells you -- a booth beyond this point where it tells you can not go. it is slushy snow, it is not sticking to the ground and my shoes are getting rather wet here but it is a nice picture to look at. look in that direction you can see the trees and the snow on the ground so it makes for a good picture but we understand that at higher elevations it is sticking so that is good news. in addition to the slushiness and cold roads we are encountering, there is also construction which means if you are driving here you will have to watch out for that as well. >> the worst thing we have got is miles and miles of construction and we are
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restricted down to one lane in some places and it will be slippery wet and dangerous. >> reporter: okay so that is cal trans talking about the situation and see this person right here, this person is being made to turn around because they don't have chains. we were given an option to do that and we decided to stay here, but if you get off here it means you are turning and going in the other direction. you can see the cal trans guy makes sure nobody gets through to get on the freeway going up. now it is starting to snow a little bit, you can see the flurries and it is starting to snow and mornings on 2 will have more for you reporting live kraig debro ktvu channel 2 news. >> our storm coverage continues throughout the morning and steve will show you more on that weather as it continues to
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move through the area. this is a really close call for three firefighters in ohio. they went into that building seconds before the explosion. look at them crawling out. you can see them crawling there this is the restaurant which caught fire monday afternoon. the owner lives upstairs and was sound asleep at the time. screaming from neighbors woke him up and he got out of that building. >> it sounded like popcorn in my front windy. >> well that restaurant has been part of that community since 1930s and all of the team's memorabilia that was on display there is all gone, destroyed. but incredibly nobody was hurt. >> well that is good news. 6:48 is the time sal, what are you keeping an eye on? bay bridge traffic is going to be slow on parts of the bridge but there is not a huge
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back up but there is a backup i don't want to mislead you, it is about a ten to 15 minute wait now. you can see the traffic onto the bridge is crowded and there are also wind advisories, the signs are saying slow down which is one of those things we advise you to do and they are looking at traffic here on the span. it looks pretty good. let's move along and take a look at westbound 237, it is kind of a slow down crossing 880 and stays slow all the way to 101 in pocket and of course we always watch -- we are watching the situation in cupertino at stevens creek boulevard in foot hill and this is a good intersection to avoid. plenty of police activity, so avoid the area, we have a police man on the scene about this shooting and let's go to steve. we have clear skies 49 and clear and that's not the case
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from southern marin county south san francisco over to west oakland and san leandro, look at that line that is forming it just went through over the golden gate bridge, very intense around business bane, if you are down there san bruno, we have a couple of tweeters, so you can see from the city over to the bay bridge over to san leandro, this is all moving to the southeast and it looks like towards hayward, san leandro, also san lorenzo and hayward in the next hour so i will delete that and get you to look at it. you can see what is right over the city so there are intense showers and the possibility of hail with that as well. the cold front is gone as well. this is the cold unstable air and we will have some sun, clouds, intense showers, more showers, possible thunder
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showers as well. 49 in west santa rosa, cooler air, it will be a cool chilly day. that other line coming in today could definitely give us some brief downpours, high pressure is on the way and it will take a little time to get here. windy sun showers today and on the extend outlook it will be much nicer much warmer with your weekend in view. right now am stock down more than 2% and this morning san sung announced they will take legal action to stop selling its new iphone 4s in italy and france. fans on wall street were disappointed about the announcement the new phone and no apple iphone 5, the stock lost some but did rebound by the close. checking in on the broader market, dow jones industrial average is down about 30 points
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to so 778 -- 10778, on the job's front new reports coming out where more jobs were added in the private sector and more layoffs than expected last month so we will keep watching. general motors, it hooks up people who need transportation with car owners who are will to share. they will not say how much they are investing in relay rides but wants to be part of the company if the idea should take off. they also want to provide to those who are borrowing cars. too close for comfort, a pair of mountain lions decided they want to lounge around for a while. traffic the at the toll plaza is getting busy and you can see the metering lights and
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traffic is a little slower, we will tell you more coming up. [ female announcer ] this is the story of eves. [ eves ] years ago, i hurt my shoulder drag racing. that's when i decided to take it easy, so i took up hang gliding. [ female announcer ] a grandpa who refuses to grow up. [ eves ] the pain was bad, but the thought of not being a hang glider pilot was worse. [ female announcer ] that's when eves turned to sutter health's palo alto medical foundation. [ eves ] the doctors that i dealt with, they got it, that this old guy wanted to return as a hang glider pilot.
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they got me flying again. [ female announcer ] palo alto medical foundation, and sutter health -- our story is you.
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. we want to go back to the developing news in cupertino, actually we are looking at the bay bridge here and now we have the developing news two people are dead and at least four others injured after an employee opened fire and this
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happened during an employee meeting and the shooter is still on the loose and they are still searching for him. the quarry itself has been evacuated, nobody is being allowed in. tara moriarty is on the scene gathering information and she will have more information in a live report coming in mornings on 250.$♪. >> a neighborhood is on alert after a pair of mountain lions were spotted lounging in front of a home. look at them, they are lounging around and the mountain lions were still in the yard and officers turned on their sirens. mountain lion encounters are common. >> maybe sal can scare them away. >> we are trying to and it has been a really busy morning and of course we are watching the
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area of cupertino. we do have our news chopper 2 there. also watching the 237 commute you can see traffic is busy approaching 880 and getting up to 101 just a lot of slow traffic getting into the valley and at the 880 interchange, it's very slow coming up to highway 17. now 6:57 let's go to steve. hit and miss showers, some of them really intense in mission and reports of rain back over to hayward and popping up in the east bay, these showers will be with us and a possibility of thunder showers as well so more coming up on mornings on 2. also coming up on mornings on 2, more breaking news, 2 people are dead in a workplace shooting in cupertino and we
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have a crew right there. we will continue live coverage of this stormy morning, stay right here with us. it's not a sealy, a simmons or a serta. ask me about my tempur-pedic, do you know there's a tempur-pedic for everybody? tempur-pedic beds now come in soft, firm and everything in between. ask me how i can finally sleep all night. to learn more or to find an authorized retailer near you visit tempur-pedic, the most highly recommended bed in america.
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